
Vision Statement

By the horizon of 2025, the Institute for Science and Technology Studies (ISTS) of Shahid Beheshti University  is an inspiring interdisciplinary research institute for Muslim World in the field of science and technology policy based on fundamental studies, with a research-oriented education system based on Islamic-Iranian model, and being competent at fundamental research in Science and Technology Studies (STS). ISTS, with the aids of committed and competent faculty members, strives to promote native initiatives in fundamental issues of science and technology policy in Iran, and to advocate fundamental attitude towards science and technology.

Mission Statement

Developing science and technology policymaking models based on an appreciation of epistemic and social aspects of science and technology, inspired by approaches of Islamic-Iranian studies and initiatives emerged in the course of interaction with other research and educational academic institutes, in order to encounter predicaments due to the western attitudes toward science and technology, and laying groundwork for promotion of intellectual and moral competencies in scientific community.


  • Research for recognition of all domains of new science and technology;

  • Critical research on orientation and approach of new science and technology;

  • Persistent monitoring of foundational changes of science and technology in the world and scrutinizing their epistemic and social aspects;

  • Studying the mutual influences and interrelations of science and technology, on the one hand, with society, culture, economy, and politics, on the other hand;

  • Interdisciplinary research on Iranian issues using global standards;

  • Theory and model development for decision making on science and technology issues;

  • Training competent human resources.